Everyone has the chance to partake in the full range of social activities at our fully accessible site.
The Orchard Trust has 30 years experience in meeting the needs of people who require complex care. We can also deliver elements of existing physiotherapy plans and have opportunities for hydrotherapy and trampoline therapy (at extra cost).
Our Day services provide adults with learning and/or physical disabilities, the elderly and those who are isolated, the opportunity to get out of the house and receive both mental and social stimulation within a safe, secure, friendly environment. Day services also enables care givers to have a break in which to attend to personal needs and to relax.
Day Service will be closed for two weeks over the summer – 19th August 2024 till 30th August 2024
and two weeks over Christmas 23rd December 2024 till 3rd January 2025
Further information
Come and join us Monday to Friday 9am-3pm (half days 9-12 and 1-3) for fun activities. We do all sorts of creative activities both inside and out, including on our smallholding. The smallholding is home to a range of livestock all accessible by our wheelchair friendly paths and encounter barns where people can get closer to the animals in a sheltered environment.
The site has an accessible activity park which can be enjoyed by all people young and old, along with facilities for all personal care needs, including electric hoist and a changing table.
Explore our Lydbrook facilities that offers both mental and social stimulation within a safe, secure, friendly environment.
Contact information