‘Trust Our Voice’ is a group of elected clients that can have their say and speak on behalf of others at The Orchard Trust.
The group can put forward ideas about the way services can be improved and delivered, represent The Orchard Trust in the community and also help with fundraising. The Trust Our Voice group is important because it allows clients to: be represented, be involved in the development of The Orchard Trust and how services are provided, build people’s confidence and skills by being involved and speaking out, and gain control of their lives, make decisions and feel empowered






Our ethos
We look after ourselves, each other, our places and the environment. Through listening to each other and paying attention when someone has something they want to say we support the development of self respect and feelings of worth and appreciation. We recognise one another for the people we are, understanding and accepting preferences and beliefs to ensure a personalised care and support.
We also believe the best results are gained through working as a team, valuing suggestions and encouraging new ideas as we strive to continuously improve the care we provide. We appreciate that knowledge, skill and understanding develop over time and through the sharing of experience. Seeking best practice and innovation we work closely with others to achieve the best result. We value the contribution of clients, families, staff, volunteers and our partners to support us to be the best we can.